Roberts English Expertise

Roberts English believes it is not enough just to teach English. The English language you learn has to be relevant. In our experience, students want to be able to communicate in professional situations, not just to have a general conversation.
Our coaching is a focused one to one approach, working on the English language needs in the business context of each student. It isn't a call to talk or a by the book grammar class. 

Our teachers are subject matter experts in a variety of different business areas. We not only help you to speak and understand English in day to day situations, but also to communicate with English speakers in a professional setting using the same vocabulary and business language.
The added benefit of a coaching approach is that we can help you with cultural differences in both business and social situations, because Roberts English has international business experience too!
We can help you with meetings, presentations, social media, email, and all aspects of business communications using the English language.

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